Starting 29 gallon reef tank

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Up to you. I've got 3 :) there are a bunch of shrimp to choose from
Okay. What other shrimp would you recommend do they do anything cool?
They just look for food all day but my favorite are skunk cleaners but there are also harlequin shrimp,sexy shrimp, coral banded shrimp, fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp,pistol shrimp Mantis shrimp, and I'm probably still missing a bunch but there's an idea
My tiger pistol shrimp just rearranged my whole sand bed. Looks more natural now, also paired with goby. highly recommend
Are there any shrimp that do anything cool? I kinda wanna a cleaner or skunk cleaner. Wouldn't mind getting a pistol/goby pair,
Mantis shrimp can do something cool. They can punch or spear depending on species other inverts at the velocity of a .22 but then that's the only invert you'll have lol
Haha no thanks. But love the offer :) haha. Also can I have any starfish or something in my 30 gallon?
I have a sand sifter sea star in my biocube 29. He really keeps my sand clean, though I sadly dont see him very much.
I'm thinking about getting a serpent sea star and a pencil tipped urchin to sift my sand :)
Halloween hermit, ruby crab, pom-pom crab, and skunk cleaner shrimp are my favorites.. if you want just one though the peacock mantis shrimp takes the cake :)

Edit*guess some of those aren't really cuc but there inverts lol
Sounds good. I'm just gettin opinions sense I'm planning on gettin some inverts within the next week.
My LFS has a fire urchin. When I go today if it's still there is that something I could get?
Nevermind. I just found out that there extremely poisoness. Does anyone know what the best kind of sea urchin I could get is? A longspine sea urchin?
Khij159753 said:
Nevermind. I just found out that there extremely poisoness. Does anyone know what the best kind of sea urchin I could get is? A longspine sea urchin?

All urchins will eat coralline algae.

Try a pencil urchin if you really want
I ended up gettin a Halloween pincushion urchin that my LFS has had in a tank with corral and everything else for a couple weeks. Along with a cleaner shrimp, a red linksys star fish, 10 scarlet hermits, 10 black sand sifting snails, 5 trochus or nerite snails(not sure), and 5 margarita snails with Caroline algea all over their shells.
My new aquascape and inverts!!!! :) let me know what ya think!


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Real nice but a heads up, the one type of LR that you have, small hermits shells get stuck in them and they eventually die. It happened before that's why I stick with base lol. But nice cleaner. Did he molt his skin yet? They usually molt when being in a new environment. And cool cushion, I've never actually had one myself but it's a unique addition..
Okay. I'll try to pick out the small hermits that get stuck. Maybe the urchin will do that for me :) he hasn't molted but has only Bren in there a couple of hours. And the urchin and starfish were my way of trying to separate from just snails and shrimp CUC I'm also planning on gettin an emerald crab whenever my LFS has one. :)
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