Starting Up A Nano!

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You forgot the closing brackets on both IMG! but your close :)

Here goes nothing.

Here are some updated tank shots.

We are enjoying the clowns and adding different things to kick start the reef aspect of the tank.

Bare with me since apparently I don't know what I am doing picture wise...







Thanks again for your help Kelsey. I finally did it! At least I think so...

The polyps and mushrooms aren't fully open right now since I had my hand in the tank a little bit ago but you can get the idea. The green mushrooms and the green polyps look awesome in the moon lights! They are a great addition as well as the blue pulsating xenia. You can now find me in front of the tank all afternoon:) ...but that's normal right? Hehe

S and B
It's looking really good! You might want to consider isolating that rock of xenia though by putting it in the sand away from the other rocks. Xenia is one of my favorite corals but it does spread like a weed and will cover the rest of your rocks quickly.
Guys I need help with my blue xenia...only half is open and pulsating and the other half is closed and wilted looking. Water is ok...any suggestions as to what is going on or what to do?

i made a mistake adding xenia to my tank cause it was free lol 2 frags and a month later and their already spreading to different rocks and doubled in size
i made a mistake adding xenia to my tank cause it was free lol 2 frags and a month later and their already spreading to different rocks and doubled in size

You gotta isloate this stuff! haha

How long has the xenia been like this? I've read that xenia is a pretty weird coral, in most peoples tanks it thrives and grows like crazy, but some people haven't been able to keep it alive. They don't really know why, one theory is that it likes dirtier water. If half of it is pulsing I think it will get better on it's own, I almost lost it in my seahorse tank once because the salinity was so low, maybe check your salinity?
yea thats what the guy told me i got the frag from i will know wether it likes my tank quickly if it didnt it will start melting away
I haven't been home to make a xenia update...but I hope it's doing better! Thinking about a pom pom crab! Anyone have any stories? I'm excited. We need something for the bottom of the tank for some action!
You could do a porcelain crab too, they are nice. I had two pom poms in my nano once, they hid a lot though. One died pretty quickly and the other lived quite awhile. I fed them cyclopeeze every once in awhile to ensure they actually got food (they wave the pom poms around to catch food). Both are awesome looking crabs :)

fun fact the pom poms on the crab are actually mini anemones.

edit* Here is a little write up about them that I just found, so neat!
Kelsey, the ones I saw at the store didn't actually have the poms? My bf said they snip off whatever and use it...or do they always have something and there was something wrong with these ones? Weird...they were 20 bucks though, thought that was a good deal. What are our thoughts on emerald crabs?
Hmm I think that they can survive without pom pom's but I would wait and get one with pom poms, since that is the coolest part about them haha. I wouldn't get an emerald crab, I think they are ugly but they are good at eating algae.

I'm trying to only get the coolest things in my pico since it will fill up quickly haha including inverts. I just picked up a porcelain crab today and I think I will also put a pom pom in there.
Ok thanks! I will check out the porcelain ones for sure. Also, the xenia is not doing well. Having the bf take it back to the LFS tomorrow so it doesn't bite the dust. There goes fifty bucks...ugh
Ok thanks! I will check out the porcelain ones for sure. Also, the xenia is not doing well. Having the bf take it back to the LFS tomorrow so it doesn't bite the dust. There goes fifty bucks...ugh

Awe that's too bad! I have so much of it, too bad you don't live closer, it would have been free! haha
Years. We changed the gravel to sand and now it's super cloudy and testing with high ammonia. Fish dies today, poor thing...
They probably changed it all at once? If so that would definitely cause the huge amount of ammonia, and I guess it must be causeing the cloudy water too. Just continue with large PWC's and hopefully no other fish die :(.
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