Starting Up A Nano!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think you can place like pantyhose or a piece of foam on it. I did the pantyhose on my filter intake for my fry tank and it worked ok.

What kind of PH do you have btw? Some come with a filter type stariner for them.
I'd take it out if you feel there is enough flow without it, I have no powerhead in my 5 gallon so far lol just the flow from the filter output, and that's probably how I'll leave it.
carey said:
I think you can place like pantyhose or a piece of foam on it. I did the pantyhose on my filter intake for my fry tank and it worked ok.

What kind of PH do you have btw? Some come with a filter type stariner for them.

The only problem with pantyhose is if the clothing is too tight it will make the filter overwork and burn out
Happy birthday to me:)

Havent posted in a bit so thought I would on this exciting day. Had an amazing wake up to an awesome sweater and a ice destroying blender from Bills. Spending the day with my Mom...looking forward to it.

Tank updates. Hairy mushroom...toast, pH...up again, colourful coral, bleached...tank, overall algae, check. Still fishless...will be sure to get one soon, once I'm over the traumatization. Thinking about ditching the keeps taking my magnet cleaner from me, trouble is all it is. Will be making a birthday stop for some snails to join the CUC.

Thats all for now:)

S and B
Happy Birthday!!

PH up again? I thought it was low. I wouldn't add anything else for it, a PH of 7.9 really isn't that bad, specially since you will only have soft corals. Do you have red slime algae?? I've used the chemiclean-red slime remover in my nano and it did great, didn't harm any corals or inverts.
Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Just finishing up a night shift and thought I would send off a quick post. We established our favourite LFS, and of course, it's the furthest...and at $1.40 a liter it's actually worth it!

Anyways, made a purchase of a snail and some blue legged hermit crabs to attempt to touch the red cyano. Apparently we have to do it chemically, which I personally don't want to do so we might wait it out and see what the tank does. I am thinking that it might be from the phytoplankon we bought for the mushrooms/feather duster so we are going to lay off of that and up our water changes. Next time we are at the LFS we are going to bring in our water for another professional test. Much better than me playing bio girl with test tubes at home, not a pretty sight!

SO fingers crossed for a cleaner tank...or at least prettier. It does look like the wild in there! And when I can, for some reason both the website on my computer and my iPhone won't let me post pictures, I will make sure I update everyone on our fish purchases...let's see what the powerhead does this time. We came to the conclusion the prior wish was sick or stressed. Did a water change to clear the tank of potential disease and moved on my from cry-fest. Never again!

Anyways, ciao! Need to finish up my duties as the one and only midnight tech:)
For those that are interested...or want to comment and say we 'shouldn't have' here yah go.

Our new babies...

Two small, very small, true percs.

The LFS said that we would be fine. And when they grow to large they are going to move into my parents tank that has been established for over 5 years...seems reasonable I think.

Anyways, a comic version...they are super beautiful, but fast! So hard to get a picture of.

Came to conclusion that the yellow clown goby was not in good enough condition to escape the dreaded powerhead...the clowns on the other hand, love it. They love swimming in the current and their new home!


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Hey everyone!

Long time no thread. A tank update...brief but will be enough I am sure. The tank is amazing. So happy we chose to get two clowns, will be sad to part with them when they get too big though. They love swimming in the current of the powerhead. (thank goodness because I don't think I could emotionally handle another death from it) and are beginning the pairing process. It is so neat to watch. The single purple mushroom looks amazing and the polyps we have are really thriving. Cant wait to add more. We have a snail as part of the CUC and a couple more crabs. The snail did an amazing job on the cyano. We think we added too much photoplankton for the feather duster so we have really cut back. Had our water tested 2 days ago by the LFS and it's amazing. The salinity was a little high only because its crazy hot in our apartment. We need an AC stat before our fish start sweating! Anyways, that's all for now.


S and B
Do you use photobucket?? You could try that. Upload the pictures, click on the "direct link" part to copy it, then post it in the "insert image" button (the one that looks like mountains).
Thanks Kelsey! Will look into it:)

Just added green mushrooms, green polyps and blue pulsating xenia! So excited, it's coming together:)
yupp they worked! You can have the photos directly on this page though if you just copy the image code onto here, looks like this (without spaces of course)


it can be found directly under each uploaded photo on photobucket and clicking on it automatically copies it.

I don't think it should be too long for the clowns, I'm no expert though.
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