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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 26, 2016
My sterbai Cory is the busiest fish in my aquarium. Goes up and down, forward and backward, over and over again. Almost 24/7. In fact, everytime I look he's doing it, and on the same side of the tank everytime. I've never seen it resting. Is there something wrong with this fish? Is it just doing what sterbai do? Maybe it's just happy? I don't know. Any comments, suggestions, concerns help.
I just got 3 panda cories a few weeks ago, and they are the same way. Non-stop movement. It's pretty cool, because cories I've had in the past were only active in the evening. You may want to add a few more cories to your tank, they are a schooling fish. I think they prefer the same type, but my peppered cories hang out with the pandas.
Take a water reading from the bottom by using a piece of airline tubing with your thumb over the top end. Likely something down there. Also you need 5-6 of each cory to make them comfortable.
Cories are schooling and must be in groups of at least six of their own species in order to have met adequate care. Good luck!
Oh, dang it! The guy at Petco said it didn't matter what type of Cory it was! I have 3 of the same and 2 that are different. My sterbai happens to be one of them. Thank you all for the advice!
Oh, dang it! The guy at Petco said it didn't matter what type of Cory it was! I have 3 of the same and 2 that are different. My sterbai happens to be one of them. Thank you all for the advice!

Your welcome! Good luck! [emoji225]
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