Stock my 55g

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I think I might have to talk him out of the RTS, I'll see how that talk goes. lol
What else can I impress him with?

Do you have any info on Kuhli Loaches? To replace the cory not in addition. I would think having them all together would be too much?

ETA: He's just pointed out a Red Jewel. I'm going to need to do some more reading this kid is doing my head in.
cheeky_monkey said:
I think I might have to talk him out of the RTS, I'll see how that talk goes. lol
What else can I impress him with?

Do you have any info on Kuhli Loaches? To replace the cory not in addition. I would think having them all together would be too much?

ETA: He's just pointed out a Red Jewel. I'm going to need to do some more reading this kid is doing my head in.

Honestly dont know much about Kuhli loaches except they like to be kept in groups and are nocturnal so you won't really get to see them much.
Ok I have no idea how we got to this list but I have him convinced on:

1 x Angelfish
1 x BN Pleco
6 x Black Widow Tetra
6 x Flame Tetra
2 x Blue Ram
4 x Albino Cory
6 x Glass Catfish

That seems like a lot of fish but I read most of those like groups.
Do those seem ok?
I'm sure we will probably revise that list again before the tank is ready.
The tiger barbs I had as a child liked to leap out of the tank. I picked them up off the ground quite a few times...they always lived through it though. So I guess what I'm getting at is, will your tank have a lid?
The tiger barbs I had as a child liked to leap out of the tank. I picked them up off the ground quite a few times...they always lived through it though. So I guess what I'm getting at is, will your tank have a lid?

I'm told they will attack an angels fins so I had to take them off, sadly. Perhaps that's a reason for another tank. :whistle:
cheeky_monkey said:
Ok I have no idea how we got to this list but I have him convinced on:

1 x Angelfish
1 x BN Pleco
6 x Black Widow Tetra
6 x Flame Tetra
2 x Blue Ram
4 x Albino Cory
6 x Glass Catfish

That seems like a lot of fish but I read most of those like groups.
Do those seem ok?
I'm sure we will probably revise that list again before the tank is ready.

Looks ok to me. Will just have to watch the tetras for nipping at the angel and watch the rams with the cories. I'd add the rams and the glass cats after the tank is well established. They are the most sensitive. Just a tip with the angel. Don't buy a really tiny/baby one. They can be quite sensitive too. I'd you find the widows nipping up the school to 8. I had 6 and they nipped my guppies until I get 8.
Oh good, that's easy done! I was thinking you would tell me I'd need to get rid of one of them. If all I have to do is buy more then I shall do that! Fish numbers aren't overboard are they?
cheeky_monkey said:
Oh good, that's easy done! I was thinking you would tell me I'd need to get rid of one of them. If all I have to do is buy more then I shall do that! Fish numbers aren't overboard are they?

No your good to go! All you need to do is cycle now. :)
hahaha I wish. We have to move first. Fortunately there's Christmas coming up to distract us all between now and the move.

Hmm would it be silly of me to start the cycle now and just house our 3 mollies in it until we move? lol at least then the girls will have ample space to hide from the randy sailfin.
It's up to you. You could start it now but risk loosing a good chunk of your BB during the move if your not careful. If you tear down the tank the day you leave, put the filter media in a bucket of tank water and have a battery powered pump running a airstone, then set up the tank ASAP when you arrive it might work. Are you planning the trip to the new place in one day or over several?
Oh no we won't be taking the current fish with us. Unfortunately they need to be rehomed when we leave as there's no possible way for us to take them with us. We have to start fresh once we arrive.

I have to order all of our new fish to be mailed in once we've cycled the tank at the new location.

I just think I might be a bit impatient and set up the tank here now cycle it and let the mollies take it over until we are ready to leave.
cheeky_monkey said:
Oh no we won't be taking the current fish with us. Unfortunately they need to be rehomed when we leave as there's no possible way for us to take them with us. We have to start fresh once we arrive.

I have to order all of our new fish to be mailed in once we've cycled the tank at the new location.

I just think I might be a bit impatient and set up the tank here now cycle it and let the mollies take it over until we are ready to leave.

All you will have to do is move the Mollies and the filter over to the 55. Run the new filter too. Watch for ammonia and nitrite spikes for a couple of weeks and your all good.
All you will have to do is move the Mollies and the filter over to the 55. Run the new filter too. Watch for ammonia and nitrite spikes for a couple of weeks and your all good.

Really, even though there's quite a big capacity difference? I suppose I would just do more frequent PWC's yes? I really want to get them out of the tiny tank they are in I just don't have anything between the two sizes.
cheeky_monkey said:
Really, even though there's quite a big capacity difference? I suppose I would just do more frequent PWC's yes? I really want to get them out of the tiny tank they are in I just don't have anything between the two sizes.

Yes! You can run the old filter next to the new filter or get all the media from the old into the new filter. There maybe a mini cycle while the BB catch up with the bioload of the fish but nothing a few extra parameter tests and PWC won't fix. :)
Oh I could kiss you.
Now to tell hubby he needs to bring my tank inside. Yippee!
I had been so worried about the darn mollies as they were given to us in a really overcrowded/undersized tank I just wasn't sure what to do about them.

Now I know what I'll be up to on the weekend. :)
Are you just wanting to get rid of the Mollies? They might survive the move. We had a betta in a mason jar for four days while we moved from Oklahoma to Minnesota, and he did fine. I was just curious, but I understand wanting to start fresh, it's lots of fun!
We would love to keep them but we are getting there by plane and our car goes on a truck and a barge. The new home is very remote.

I don't think the airlines would appreciate me bringing a bag of fish aboard and our house contents (ie the tanks) won't arrive there for a week or two after us.
cheeky_monkey said:
We would love to keep them but we are getting there by plane and our car goes on a truck and a barge. The new home is very remote.

I don't think the airlines would appreciate me bringing a bag of fish aboard and our house contents (ie the tanks) won't arrive there for a week or two after us.

Sheesh when you told me remote I didn't think it was that remote lol.
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