Teen aquarists

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I stripped my lab today. I counted 22! It's my first time having fry but she's held eggs numerous times before.


There's a few in that pic.
Just got a Severus today! So who new they had white lab cichlids? And also got a 125 gallon sponge filter
Kyle, 14, New Hampshire. I contracted my first case of ramshorns today... LOL. A few came on some hornwort I got, and now they're spread all over my tank never to be seen until there's thousands. Dang it.
If you really hate them then:
Get clown or zebra loaches (minimum three but only if your tank allows)
Before you put the lights out put a jar in the tank with some lettuce in and in the morning take the jar out of toss the contents (lots of snails)
Control fish feeding. Make sure you don't over feed if needed restrict feeding to once a day (I usually feed twice a day)

Some people just leave them. They are great for clean up and if you don't over feed you won't get to many snails.
If you really hate them then: Get clown or zebra loaches (minimum three but only if your tank allows) Before you put the lights out put a jar in the tank with some lettuce in and in the morning take the jar out of toss the contents (lots of snails) Control fish feeding. Make sure you don't over feed if needed restrict feeding to once a day (I usually feed twice a day) Some people just leave them. They are great for clean up and if you don't over feed you won't get to many snails.
Yeah I have heard of the jar method and think it's the best. I enjoy them to a point. If they start uprooting all of my plants I'll have to take action haha.
Kyle, 14, New Hampshire. I contracted my first case of ramshorns today... LOL. A few came on some hornwort I got, and now they're spread all over my tank never to be seen until there's thousands. Dang it.
Sup Kyle, I'm Bradley! What tanks do you have? And whats your stock?
Sup Kyle, I'm Bradley! What tanks do you have? And whats your stock?
I have one 20 gallon tall heavily planted with:
-5 rosy tetras
-3 Panda Cories
-1 Red wag platy
-1 angelfish (temporary for my friend, or to keep if I upgrade soon)

A 10 Gallon nano saltwater tank, soon to be upgraded to a 90 with:
-a pair of maroon clowns
-miscellaneous zoanthid colonies
-mushroom corals (hairy, ricordea, etc)
-2 hammer corals, one with 13 heads and one with two
-one single Duncan coral head
-kryptonite candy cane coral frag
-GSP frag
-one BTA (I rescued it from bleaching, it's in the process of regaining it's zooxanthellae algae)
-a few zebra hermit crabs
-2 peppermint shrimp

And a cycling lagoon tank with just some seqgrass and caulerpa. It's kind of a secondary project as I'm upgrading this weekend.

And finally, this weekend I'm also setting up a "forest" 10 gallon tank. It will be a heavily planted ten gallon that will slope up to land with a moss carpet and a tree that I will make as a diy project. Then I'll keep some white clouds and RCS in the tank, with a frog for on and off land. Maybe a fiddler crab too.

Lol I have to make do with the little profit I make working, but I only spend my money on fish so i slip by.
Sounds cool! I wish i had a SW tank! You have pics of anything that i could see?

And i hear ya with the money thing! I don't even have a job, i'll be able to get one in January though! Check out Uarujoey on youtube. He's a DIY aquarium guy, he can help save some money!!
Sounds cool! I wish i had a SW tank! You have pics of anything that i could see? And i hear ya with the money thing! I don't even have a job, i'll be able to get one in January though! Check out Uarujoey on youtube. He's a DIY aquarium guy, he can help save some money!!
Not really haha my phone broke so I lost all my pictures. I have a few though.
Here's my angelfish, a ricordea, and my first zoa frag a while back. Lol these are all crappy iPhone pictures.


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Kyle, 14, New Hampshire. I contracted my first case of ramshorns today... LOL. A few came on some hornwort I got, and now they're spread all over my tank never to be seen until there's thousands. Dang it.

Hey Kyle welcome!
(Wow!! It's been such a long time since I last did this intro :lol: )
I actually love ramshorns haha
And if your gonna get rid of them I like to use assassin snails or loaches (as mentioned)
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