The Sixty Gallon Build :)

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Alright, ph is still holding and ammo and nitrites were 0 again!! If tomorrow at this time I get 0 readings, I'm going to add the fish from my 10 gallon.

Would a pwc be necessary tomorrow if my nitrates are only a little below 5? The plants have really brought them down.
George9 said:
Alright, ph is still holding and ammo and nitrites were 0 again!! If tomorrow at this time I get 0 readings, I'm going to add the fish from my 10 gallon.

Would a pwc be necessary tomorrow if my nitrates are only a little below 5? The plants have really brought them down.

I wouldn't think so but see what others say as well.
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I wouldn't think so but see what others say as well.

I just dosed the Flourish for the first time and I noticed some bubbles on the top of the water, I'm not sure if they were there before I dosed or not though. But they are on the side of the tank with the least surface agitation. Has this happened to you at all? I'm going to see what happens when I do a smaller water change to add fish tonight.

edit: I added more cuttlebone in this morning, maybe that did it. I hope theres no soaps in it at all.
I just dosed the Flourish for the first time and I noticed some bubbles on the top of the water, I'm not sure if they were there before I dosed or not though. But they are on the side of the tank with the least surface agitation. Has this happened to you at all? I'm going to see what happens when I do a smaller water change to add fish tonight.

edit: I added more cuttlebone in this morning, maybe that did it. I hope theres no soaps in it at all.
i get bubles sticking to the edges of the tank at times as well. Its probably nothing to worry about but just keep an eye on it. If the tank starts to look like a bubble bath then i'd say you might have a little
skywhitney said:
i get bubles sticking to the edges of the tank at times as well. Its probably nothing to worry about but just keep an eye on it. If the tank starts to look like a bubble bath then i'd say you might have a little

I hope it didn't become a bubble bath!! I'm getting really nervous about adding the fish in tonight, dont know why. I just hope I dont screw up and kill him; I've had him a year.

I just noticed tons of pond snails! Teeny ones to big ones lol. It's okay though. Ill get some going in there and I'll feed them to my puferfish that I'm putting in the ten gallon :D
I hope it didn't become a bubble bath!! I'm getting really nervous about adding the fish in tonight, dont know why. I just hope I dont screw up and kill him; I've had him a year.

I just noticed tons of pond snails! Teeny ones to big ones lol. It's okay though. Ill get some going in there and I'll feed them to my puferfish that I'm putting in the ten gallon :D

If you're nervous then wait until you feel better about it :)

Nice! you were allowed to get the puffer?
skywhitney said:
If you're nervous then wait until you feel better about it :)

Nice! you were allowed to get the puffer?

Yup! I am allowed, but my parents say get this tank all set up first.
Readings look great tonight! Doing a pwc now, my fish will be going in soon!
George9 said:
Yup! I am allowed, but my parents say get this tank all set up first.

I can understand that.

We expect pics after the fish are in!!
Ha ha. He's floating in a bag now to adjust to temp. Then I'm gonna drip acclimate him for an hour or an hour and a half to be safe.
It's official-he's in!! He's doing great too, right when I put him in he started swimming around right away. Pics to come tomorrow. More fish Saturday. I'm thinking 5 rummynose tetras and the gbr? Should I wait on the gbr?

Oh-funny/gross story too lol. When I was sucking on the drip acclimating tube, I got tank water in my mouth and immediately spit it out and I got some flem from my throat in the bucket with the fish. I nearly panicked and was rushing to fish it out. Phew lol.
George9 said:
It's official-he's in!! He's doing great too, right when I put him in he started swimming around right away. Pics to come tomorrow. More fish Saturday. I'm thinking 5 rummynose tetras and the gbr? Should I wait on the gbr?

Oh-funny/gross story too lol. When I was sucking on the drip acclimating tube, I got tank water in my mouth and immediately spit it out and I got some flem from my throat in the bucket with the fish. I nearly panicked and was rushing to fish it out. Phew lol.

Thats the worst part of maintenance is syphoning! Glad your guy doesn't have an extra slime coat now! :)
George9 said:
Okie dokie. Just checked the water, nothing new that you haven't heard for the past few weeks. Ammo is 0. Nitrites are 5. Story of my life lol. Today is day 39 I think, it shouldn't be long :)


I have a separate thread (no comments yet)? My ammo has never reached zero (fishless cycle) just .25 ppm, nitrates and nitrites at 5. I have dosed twice. I will check later today what the ammo is at. Please comment on my most recent thread.
Heres a pic!
I'm gonna go for the ten rummies and a gbr on Saturday. hopefully all goes well.
That is a great picture! Sorry, I didn't catch this even though I am guessing you said it, what kind of rainbow is it?
absolutangel04 said:
That is a great picture! Sorry, I didn't catch this even though I am guessing you said it, what kind of rainbow is it?

It's a boesmani rainbow, I don't think I mentioned that. Sorry. I "rescues" him from a run down fish store that was closing. He's been with me a year and seems to be doing awesome on his own, even though they are schoolers. :)
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