Water weisteria

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 6, 2013
My water weisteria is havering problems. I am new to live plants in my tank, so I thought I would try it out in my 10 gallon before I move it over to my 55. However my weisteria plants leave's are turning brown near the bottom of the plant. I am not sure what to do. I have tried pruning them, increasing water changes and rubbing the leaves. This has helped some, but not as much as I would like. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know.


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I haven't had much luck with them in the past. I think I should have been using some fertilizer. I just bought some and a bottle of API fertilizer, (Best deal for the money. It treats almost 500 gallons)

Try getting some root tabs or liquid fertilizer, or even both. They are suppose to be low maintenance plants, but I think they need that extra fertilizer.
I haven't had much luck with them in the past. I think I should have been using some fertilizer. I just bought some and a bottle of API fertilizer, (Best deal for the money. It treats almost 500 gallons)

Try getting some root tabs or liquid fertilizer, or even both. They are suppose to be low maintenance plants, but I think they need that extra fertilizer.

They are heavy root feeders so like you suggested root tabs are the way to go. Mine wouldn't grow no matter what I tried until I put root tabs underneath them and then the growth exploded.

A second note is that the API leaf zone fertilizer that I'm assuming you bought isn't very useful. It is nothing but potassium and iron but plants need way more than that.

The lower branches could be dead due to low lighting

That's a good possibility and if this were a more densely grown plant I think that would be the case. But the big problem is fertilization
My water weisteria is havering problems. I am new to live plants in my tank, so I thought I would try it out in my 10 gallon before I move it over to my 55. However my weisteria plants leave's are turning brown near the bottom of the plant. I am not sure what to do. I have tried pruning them, increasing water changes and rubbing the leaves. This has helped some, but not as much as I would like. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know.

I had problems in my 55 with med/high lighting moved to my older 20 g that has high lighting and very fertilized soil almost died and now its making a come back... use root tabs and liquid ferts and itll come around...also how long has it been in that tank? It may just be growing roots so the top dont look the best...
I agree I would start fertilizing with root tabs. Once I dirted my tank mine have grown insanely fast even in very low light. When I redid the aquascape yesterday the roots have grown faster than I would have imagined. Looking at your leaves lighting is definitely not your issue!
Is that algae growing on the bottom leaves? Aquatic plants tend to just melt when the leaves die, not so much brown.
Thanks, I will try the fertilizer and see how that works out. Thanks for all the help.
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