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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 20, 2012
Northern Michigan
Anybody know what kind of Cichlid this is? Thought it was a red zebra when I bought it, but looks nothing like the one I have... Kind of looks like another I have that I forgot the name, I'll try to get a pic of him but he won't hold still lol


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severum mama said:
I am no Mbuna expert, but I believe you have Pseudotropheus socolofi albino- the snow white socolofi. Pseudotropheus Socolofi (Albino) regular

That's exactly what I thought, until I brought home my Socilofi :) the ones in question have a pinkish and opalescent sheen and their fins are trimmed in orange with orange egg spots... I'm stumped lol. I read somewhere that they could be possible Red Zebra hybrids? Maybe they will color up some a they mature? It's another waiting game lol. Here is a pic of my Snow white :)


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garfy said:
Pseudotropheus Zebra (white morph)
I don't see any red eyes so I don't think it's an albino.

Thank you! Pretty common are they? I got them from different places. The 2 in question definitely don't have red eyes :)
garfy is correct in his I.D. however the genus of these fish was changed a while ago from Pseutropheus to Metriaclima, so if you google metriaclima white zebra, you'll find reference to what you are looking for.
Cool, I couldn't tell what color the eyes were from the pic. Glad you got your ID. All those dang Mbunas look alike to me. LOL
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