What do I do?????????!!!!!!!!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 28, 2004
Boston Ma
Hey, I am new to the aquarium world. I have never owned a fish let alone tropical fish. I am thinking about purchasing a 75 or 90 gallon tank. I want to go saltwater, fish only because Im new to this whole thing, and I heard invertebraes and coral is much harder to take care of. I have no idea what type of cleaning equipment I should get. Filters, protein skimmers, testing equipment, what fish can live together. I know this is alot to ask of all yall, but i you could tell me what type of equipment I would need and name brands that would help soo much. also maybe a link to what fish can live together. I love clownfish and angel fish. There are a few others I will get the names of. But any tips, info, advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all sooooooo much!!!
The best advice that I can give you is to
1 read thru the articles section and other posts on the forum
2 get a book
3 plan your aquarium, what you want your tank to look like :?: and design a system for wat you want. a fo easier and less money than a full blow reef. Since you are new i would suggest a fowler
Good luck :wink:
read, read, and then read some more!!! get a book, look through all the posts, read the articles page, do google searches then make a plan, its not really something you can just jump into. I have spent hours studding all this stuff and still know only a little. My tank is 10 weeks old and I am still learning things. Also Plan your budget I got a great deal on my tank only cost $350 for the hood stand tank and filter and other stuff, It would have cost about $1300 at the LFS. Regardless I have spent $2411.95 so far and still havent bought corals yet.
Buy a copy of The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner and go from there.
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