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Okau so my albino is dead and my other fishs fins are horribly ripped up and falling apart
Oh man I'm sorry for your loss. I'm also confused by it. Wasn't the albino the healthy one? Does it look like he got the (excuse the expression) crap beat out of him? How's the other fish doing?
No but his fins seem to have been falling apart. Thr other fish are the same. I honestly expect them to br dead by morning. Could salt have caused this. It just seems to odd. Im so confused
I've never heard of salt causing this, unless you over dosed? You did use aquarium salt right?
Mlani said:
I've never heard of salt causing this, unless you over dosed? You did use aquarium salt right?

I used aquarium salt and I only used 3 tablespoons and the tank is a 110g with a 30g sump
Could this be fin rot? It seems it only took 30 min. for the fish to seem like they were dying
That's what my next question to you was going to be. Google images (if you haven't already) and see if it looks the same.
No its not but their side fins are gone. I was told by a friend who has kept fish for many years to take regular salt and put a teaspoon amount all over them and then do a water change tomorrow
jwh0818 said:
No its not but their side fins are gone. I was told by a friend who has kept fish for many years to take regular salt and put a teaspoon amount all over them and then do a water change tomorrow

I've never heard of using regular salt in all my years (not saying it's wrong just that I myself wouldn't) I'd use aquarium salt if you're referring to a "salt bath" it's when you remove the fish from the tank and put it in a smaller (usually a 5-10gal tank) that's mixed with (I'm not sure of the dosage amount) salt and the tank water. Then you remove the fish from the smaller tank and put it in a quarantine tank to monitor it. Since this has effected all of your fish I think it would be safe to treat the entire tank instead. I would up the heat add the salt (mix it in a cup with tank water first) and I would add 10ml per 10 US gal of aqua plus it helps with healing cuts/wounds and fins. I would also do a water change before and after treating them. I'm really trying to figure out what caused this to begin with. So we know what you're dealing with. Could you post another pic of them?
To be honest, I think the albino oscar introduced a bacteria on the fish that took its toll quick because I got him from petco and he was the first one dead
That's what was first thought too, but the albino wasn't showing any signs of illness when you first posted. It sucks to lose any fish. Hopefully the rest of them will fight it off.
Yeah hopefully. And I will be back at petco and they should have to pay for all my fish if they die. My pleco is a foot long so hopefully he don't die
I feel bad for you man, I really wish we could've prevented it. If you take the fish and a sample of your water they won't have any way around it. Let me know how it goes.
Well I put salt directly on one of my oscars and left him in a breeding net and I come back and he has started to swim around a little bit so, there is is hope for the rest of my fish. Now its just a waiting game with some water changes and good gravel vacs
Okay so I lost another oscar and I think the last one is on the verge of death. My jack, and pleco seem to be fine right now
Very sorry to hear about your loss. I have had fish for pets for the last 3 years and have grown very fond of them. But have dismissed the issue of quarantine before introducing a new fish to the tank, stories like this should make us all reflect on it. I for one will definately start doing it. Again very sorry to hear about your loss and all the best to the pleco, hopefully whatever the others got is not going to be able to affect him.
Did you go to the fish store and tell them? Maybe they'll give you some sort of credit? I know it's not much considering what you've lost :-( I started a quarantine tank after introducing new fish and getting ich from them. I only lost one fish, I can't imagine losing the entire stock. Hopefully the pleco stays strong.
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