Ziggy's 40b Planted Journey

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My shrimp came in today. All of them healthy and moving around when I took them out of the box. After acclimating they went into the tank. I expect they will color up more as they mature and settle in.


Acclimating to tank water - about 45 minutes worth.

In the tank and already fast a work


It wasn't a dig, your tank looks excellent! TT's just looks better:p in a month who knows... I'm following for sure. Hooray Shrimpies!

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It wasn't a dig, your tank looks excellent! TT's just looks better:p in a month who knows... I'm following for sure. Hooray Shrimpies!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Aquarium Advice mobile app

LOL...no worries. My tank has only been planted for just over a week so I didn't take anything by the statement.
The shrimp are looking good so far. A couple of them have molted. I have high hopes for them. They are coloring up nicely and seem to like their new home.
That's a lot of shrimp! Tanks looking really good man!

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Those shrimp look quite colorful even during acclimation. Should be really nice when they settle in.
Home run with the hardscape. Not sure what to do with that right corner. Maybe a thick stand of valisneria or thin leaf stem plants such as pogostemon erectus, pogo stellatus 'octopus', or Limnophilia aromatica.
Keep an eye on that GSA on the older staur reopens leaves. If it persists or increases, you may have to bump up the phosphate level.

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Replaced the rock on the right side of the tank with a piece of wood. Also added 3 amanno shrimp and 3 siamese algae eaters.


I have to adjust my CO2 and PO4. I'm getting a bit of algae that is pi__ing me off!

I've backed the lights off a good bit and have done several water changes.
Looks sweet!!! Its It's a trade off with the lighting intensity.. explosive growth and algae or slower growth with less alage..ime anyways

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Come fix my fw tank! Please!!! It looks so good.

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Looks sweet!!! Its It's a trade off with the lighting intensity.. explosive growth and algae or slower growth with less alage..ime anyways

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Yeah, that seems to be the case. I am working to find the right balance of light co2 and ferts. I'll get it there it will just take a little time.
Come fix my fw tank! Please!!! It looks so good.

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Haha thanks B!

My tank is still very much a work in progress. There is a long way to go before I will be happy with it. This FW mess is not what I am really good at.
I like the DW on the right side. Kind of balances it out, asymmetrically, if that makes sense. I am really envious of the design here: similar to a rock garden with the nooks/crannies brimming with colorful growth. Thick lawn with a path/stream thingy going on.

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I like the DW on the right side. Kind of balances it out, asymmetrically, if that makes sense. I am really envious of the design here: similar to a rock garden with the nooks/crannies brimming with colorful growth. Thick lawn with a path/stream thingy going on.

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Thank you!

I'm liking how things are progressing, other than the algae, but overall I like it. I need to get a few stems for the right side. I put a few clutches of Vals in the back corner but along the back glass I want to add Rotala Wallichii - kind of balance the red hue out on the opposite side of the tank.
Good luck with the Rotala wallichii. I could never grow that plant. Plagued by some type of black-gray furry algae.
If you want an easy to grow red plant, look at Ludwigia species 'red'. Fast growing with red-crimson leaves. Another choice is Rotala macrandra, although that is more pink than red IME. Both can get vertical real quick.

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Good luck with the Rotala wallichii. I could never grow that plant. Plagued by some type of black-gray furry algae.
If you want an easy to grow red plant, look at Ludwigia species 'red'. Fast growing with red-crimson leaves. Another choice is Rotala macrandra, although that is more pink than red IME. Both can get vertical real quick.

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I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. I like the rust color. Worst case it comes out of the tank.

My tanks are always a work in progress.
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