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  1. S

    20g tank stocking

    Hi guys, wondering if people could just give me a little advice about my proposed stocking list for my 20g tall (is it overstocked? compatability? etc). It's well cycled and established, and heavily planted. Schooling small fish- I was thinking about getting 2 groups of 5 fish. Tossing up and...
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    Lilygrass vs hairgrass

    Hi, Just wondering if there were any main differences between the 2? Thinking of using either one as a foreground plant, and tossing up between them. TIA.
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    Safe Stand?

    Hi, I was wondering if there was anyway to see if a stand was safe to support the weight of my aquarium? It's only my 20g one, measuring about 50cm (L) x 34cm (W) x 42cm (H), to be placed on a 70cm (L) x 40cm (W) top. The stand is about 75cm tall. Is there anyway to check, short of getting in...
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    Eheim 2213

    Hi all, Recently picked up a Eheim 2213 Classic Cannister and loving it so far. Considering my old filter was a stock overhead filter from those "all in one" tank kits, it's no surprise I'm happy about the improvement :) Just wanted to throw a few questions about maintenance: 1. How do I...
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    Burnt CF?

    Hi, Just have a qn about my CF fixture from Coralife. According to the stickies, I think that CF are designed to handle around 2+ years of life? FYI, before I go any further, my bulb is for the quad strip 96W Coralife fixture. When I have been turning it on recently, I notice at times that...
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    Algae explosion

    Hi, I've been gone for a few weeks on a trip and when I returned, I encountered an unfortunate algae bloom... well explosion... I would rather call it. I have signs of green water, spot algae, fuzz algae/brush algae/a form of brown beard algae. Green water is in the form of a green film. I'm...
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    Fluval FX5 vs Eheim Pro 3

    Hi, I'm having a bit of problems finding reviews about these 2 cannister filters (Fluval FX5 and Eheim Pro 3). I don't know whether it is because the models are newer or something else. I'm thinking of buying one of these filters. Although price is not really an issue, I would want to buy the...
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    Custom Tank Height

    Hi, I'm thinking of getting a tank with a length around 4-5ft. My planned width is 2ft. I was just wondering what type of height range I should be looking at (as I don't want the effectiveness of the light to be dimished). I was thinking around 2ft. Just out of curiousity, what would you think...
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    WTB CO2 Regulator - need some advice plz

    Hi, I've been scanning through a few co2 pages and just wanted to ask some quick questions. I'm thinking of buying a regulator while I'm overseas cause they appear to a lot cheaper than in Australia, and I'm in a "shopping mood", lol. Cyclinder I can't because apparently co2 suppliers require...
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    50g goldfish tank

    Hi, I'm just helping my fd setup a goldfish tank for his dad's office. It's approximately 50g. The dimensions in metric in cm are: 100 (length) x 38 (width) x 55 (height). It's pretty much just the tank he's keeping. The rest of the equipment he's throwing away. I don't think they won't be...
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    "Water change"-less tank

    Gah, don't you just hate it when you just write an entire post for MIE to stuff up on you so you have to write it all over again? :( Anyways, just a briefer version of what I had before: I am just thinking about the idea of a tank without water changes. I wouldn't likely do it myself, but...
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    Veggie Clips - Anyone tried using one of these? (durability)

    Hi, Just wondering if any1 out there have tried using the Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies Clips and the Seachem Vegie Clip. Both advertised at the same price, but wondering if any1 has tried one or both of them for durability (ie the condition of the suction cap over time) Cheers. PS I think...
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    Algae ID plz

    Hi, Just hoping some1 would confirm my guess that the algae problem I have is cyano. I have exams atm, fish seem to be fine, so I'm thinking of taking care of the problem (ie check parameters, etc) after the exams Atm I'm using the stock 50/50 bulb. I have read some posters in the past have...
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    Superglue as bond for PET bottles

    Hi, I've just used superglue to bond the area between my PET bottle and airline tubing. I'm just wondering, how good of a bond do you think this is? I've designed a separator bottle (to also act as a bubble counter) such that the airline tubing is inserted at a specific height, and the water...
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    Goldfish and BN

    Hi, I just wanted to ask, has any1 here ever had problems with a BN in a goldfish tank? (ie attacking the GF or vice versa) I need a bit of algae control and I wanted to purchase an algae eater to assist. Ever since I put in a sailfin into my GF tank and it started sucking on my now passed...
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    DIY CO2 output

    Hi, I've just put together my DIY CO2 together and put everything in. However, I'm getting virtually no output whatsoever. Is it meant to pick up later on, or should there be a strong amount of CO2 from the get go? This was my procedure. Put a cup of sugar into a pot with 1.5 litres of water...
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    Suspended chain swords

    Hi, sometimes I have a problem with my chain swords getting uprooted with my fish. I try with every water change to replant them, but since my fish dig at the substrate searching for food, the uprooting is a continuous occurrence. I'm just wondering, if I don't replant them every week, or even...
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    Quick check of fertz please

    Hi, Using the sticky and the Doser ( I think I've calculated the required amount of fertilisers to add per day. However, some calculations seem like I'm adding a crazy amount of one, and a tiny amount of another. Was wondering if some1 could have a quick check...
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    Goldfish Nudging

    Hi, I'm a bit concerned about the behaviour of one of my goldfish. The shubunkin seems to be constantly nudging my fantail around. It is generally in the belly area near the pelvics. I guess I'm sorta hoping it is spawning behavior, since the shinbukin seems to have lumps near his gills and the...
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    Problem with my DIY CO2 *updated*

    Hi, I've run my DIY CO2 plan a few times thru this forum, so u may be quite familiar with it. However, I've encountered a problem and would like ur suggestions. Briefly, this is my DIY CO2 setup: A 2L Coke bottle as the generator, connect that to a powerhead with a "venturi" input (like the...
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    Can a specific type of slime/algae produce bubbles?

    Hi, I'm just asking abt my 3g betta tank. At times, sometimes a slimy substance builds up on the walls of my tank, on my silk plant, and even on the surface of the water line. I'm guessing it's prolly due to indirect sunlight (the tank is on the window sill, but the blinds in his area are...
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    Coralife bulbs

    Coralife 96W 17" square pin bulbs for the 20" unit oh ok thx. I've just realised, no Coralife supplier around me actually supplies the type of bulb I need and I need to ship it from overseas. I was thinking, can light bulbs be "stockpiled"? (ie buying a few at one time and storing them for a...
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    CO2 Recipe

    Hi, I've bought and put together the components of my CO2 setup for my 20g. It consists of a Hagen 20 powerhead connected to a gravel vac with a sponge at the end. The CO2 is introduced via the "in venturi" feature of the powerhead. I'm thinking of running a 1.25L coke bottle initially, and...
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    Quick check of my DIY CO2 plan

    Hi, Was just wondering if some1 can have a quick look at my idea. It's pretty much like the usual method, just the way of introducing the co2 isnt with an airstone but with a powerhead with the venturi attachment. Firstly, I'll make a 2L Coke bottle as the generator, connect that to a...
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    Air pump

    Can any1 here recommend a good air pump for me? I have tried Renas and Resuns and I didn't find both of them that good (for Rena, I bought it for its "silent operation" but it ended up being loud and having poor output. The Resun was a bit louder, lot cheaper, but after a few months, the output...
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