5 gallon ideas

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 10, 2003
Kentucky, USA
I have a 5 gallon sitting doing nothing, and a spare HOB filter. I'd just need a hood and light of some kind. I know its small, but I was wondering if anyone had some good fish ideas for it? I'm not too picky, just nothing too exotic as there is only one pet store here and they don't have the largest selection, and no bettas since I already have two. :)

Neon tetra SA 'biotope'

Paint the backs (And maybe the sides) black. Set the temp to 78 degrees. Plant it with java moss and ferns and a few other hardy lower light plants. Drop in 8-10 neons and maybe some ghost shrimp for cleaning. Oh, and some driftwood or rocks to swim in/around/under/hide
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