Amphibians or reptiles?

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Crickets are easy to raise, just smelly. I had a stint of breeding them. Mealworms are cleaner and a lot more clean. If you go with crested geckos you can actually feed them a powder that you add water. It is similar to baby food, then you don't need to feed crickets so often.
I defiantly need to figure out what I'm going to do for their food. Can they drink tap water or will I need to buy distilled?
I use distilled water in mine, I just buy a water conditioner, like the one for fish but for reptiles
You should breed mealworms, it's very cheap, not hard, and best of all, not smelly
You could do leopard geckos! I hear they prefer smaller tanks, but I'm sure yours would be fine. Super easy to take care of and can be held with no problem. Also very cute! Look at my girls!


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So, if I start me a little mealworm farm would I need the crickets?
They are very cool! I have 2 females in a 20 long and are very cool! You can keep one in a 10 gallon, here is my male in his 10 gallon tank

Another cool thing is that they only poop in one corner, so cleaning is easy, and they love to watch tv with you!
So, if I start me a little mealworm farm would I need the crickets?

I have never fed my geckos or lizards crickets except to my tarantulas, but I save myself quite some money( about 30 bucks a month) by breeding my own mealworms
I have never fed my geckos or lizards crickets except to my tarantulas, but I save myself quite some money( about 30 bucks a month) by breeding my own mealworms

I've got a 29G aquarium I was gonna use a sump but my saltwater project got dropped. I know Petsmart sells a screen top made for it. Doesn't LLL Reptile sell mealworm farms? Also don't I need to dust these mealworms with calcium? I'm thinking about just starting a room build! But nobody can judge me! Haha! I live in Southeast, Alabama. I would consider myself a Southern Gentleman, not a redneck. A lot of country music made today is crap and can give us a bad image.
For a 29 you can have a wide variety, you can have 5 panther geckos in there, or 3 leopard geckos, that would be cool!
I get a rubber maid tub, get about 100 mealworms, put in some oatmeal and almonds, put them in, put the mealworms in, make holes in the lid, add 2 small spake sponges, check each day to squeeze and refill sponge, and that's it
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