December 21, 2012

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I will agree that it is not worth pursuing any further - some fundamental misunderstanding of the concepts being discussed is preventing relevant development of discussion. Good day to you sir.
MrPillow said:
I will agree that it is not worth pursuing any further - some fundamental misunderstanding of the concepts being discussed is preventing relevant development of discussion. Good day to you sir.

I will accept that you think I misunderstand the concepts.
In regards to the zombie apocalypse I feel as a general guideline vast amounts of hours watching Shaun of the dead and zombieland for basic survival tips, such as cardio, attack guidelines and things not to do. Twinkies are your source of food and above all else DO NOT SHOOT Bill Murray. No matter what your reflexes are he is your friend. And just like in resident evil head as far north as possible such as Canada and Alaska.
Chronos313 said:
In regards to the zombie apocalypse I feel as a general guideline vast amounts of hours watching Shaun of the dead and zombieland for basic survival tips, such as cardio, attack guidelines and things not to do. Twinkies are your source of food and above all else DO NOT SHOOT Bill Murray. No matter what your reflexes are he is your friend. And just like in resident evil head as far north as possible such as Canada and Alaska.

Don't forget to limber up and double tap! And avoid public restrooms and bars named the winchester.
jkdubs2 said:
Oh my goodness I'm tired of this. Point is you can argue all you want that science can't prove anything and I can do the opposite. All i can say is nothing is set in stone (figuratively of course, didn't know if anyone might want to argue this as well lol) and scientists defy your way of thinking science should be conducted everyday and this is fact as well as scientists doing it your way everyday. Let's leave it at that. Agree to disagree? You too mr. Pillow? And I just saw this message so it took a bit to reply sorry.

I'm not saying science can't prove anything, I was just trying to point out that the point of science is to disprove. I guess what I was getting at is that any study that claims absolute proof of anything is bunk. Because as you say, nothing is set in stone and science is meant to evolve, not get stuck because something was "proved" to be one way or another. I think we're pretty much on the same page.

As for zombies, I actually was able to take a class on the history of zombies in film and literature a few semesters ago. Best class ever!
And don't play pinball machines or answer the door, cardio is a must aim for the head and never open the door, forget about your relatives for they have probably already became zombie food
Haha yes another end of world scenario I like to ponder is that of either fallout games. Or that of the NWO.
Here's a list provided by

I agree these are basic guidelines. Add as you wish.

The Double Tap
Beware of Bathrooms
Wear Seat Belts
No Attachments
The “Skillet”
Travel Light
Get a Kick Arse Partner
With your Bare Hands
Don’t Swing Low
Use Your Foot
Bounty Paper Towels
Shake it Off
Always carry a change of underwear
Bowling Ball
Opportunity Knocks
Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
Limber Up
Break it Up
It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
Avoid Strip Clubs
When in doubt Know your way out
Use your thumbs
Shoot First
A little sun screen never hurt anybody
Double-Knot your Shoes
The Buddy System
Pack your stain stick
Check the back seat
Enjoy the little things
Swiss army Knife
Oh my god payton. I love your plans hahah.

FYI..if there IS an apocolypse and anyone thinks "hey..wonder how gboy and nunu are doin..."

...Im pretty sure in a big city we'll be wrecked lol!!
Gboy66 said:
Oh my god payton. I love your plans hahah.

FYI..if there IS an apocolypse and anyone thinks "hey..wonder how gboy and nunu are doin..."

...Im pretty sure in a big city we'll be wrecked lol!!

Lol we got room for y'all here in the country :) if you can make it down here... Hahaha
I call driving all vehicles! The driver never dies in the movies! Otherwise who'd drive? Lol
I feel the world will not end in 2012 because they started making the calendar six years after the first people were on earth. So the world would of ended already in 2006
Samzter said:
I feel the world will not end in 2012 because they started making the calendar six years after the first people were on earth. So the world would of ended already in 2006

Explain wat you mean 6 years after people were on earth.
Ok I got that part but what year are u saying the human race began is what I'm saying. Also are u saying they actually started the calendars first year 6 years after the race began or they were alive and making it 6 years after the human race began. Neither would make sense. Time didn't just start when humans appeared on the scene and since they go by earth cycles mostly I'm not sure it would make a difference of when they thought humans began.
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