First Tank :)

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Ok guys, so done todays tests. What do you think? I would say they are about

PH - 8
Ammonia - 0.25
Nitrite about - between 0.25 and 0.50?
Nitrate - 20/30

Should i do another 50% WC?

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Yes, do a WC. Anytime ammonia is present you want to do one, also because nitrites are high. They should be 0 both. NitrAtes under 20
Done the WC so lets see how it is tomorrow!
Is it not normal for the levels to be around these figures 3 weeks into the cycle?
Sometimes it seems like it will never cycle but it will in time. It's hard to say exactly how long it will take because there is always a difference in aquarium setups. I have had a tank up for over a year and I still have to cycle sometimes. Because I will add a few new fish and change the tank decore. And it starts a mini cycle. It doesn't take as long as a new tank but it is frustrating to always be doing water changes I know I remove about 300 gallons a week just in waste water! It sucks but my fish are healthy and beautiful. I have always done fish in cycling and it takes a constant eye on the water parameters. But it can be done with time and patients. Good luck and don't get discouraged.
Im not discouraged at all cant wait to have my tank fully functional (and then get another! haha) it has always been something i wanted to get into since I first saw my grans big pond and her beautiful koi
Just wasnt sure if i'm on the right track :)
I was expecting up to 6 weeks for the cycle to be complete so I will be patient :)
Just a bit confusing sometimes as everybody seems to give different advice :/
Yeah I understand that. I want a pond so bad. I had one started just a small one 150 gallon with a waterfall and a bunch of plants around it a little dock to stand on an it was looking cool I thought. Then my pit bulls eat it all my pond and my water fall lol crushed all my plants. Needless to say that was the end of that lol. They would even catch try to catch my gold fish. Darn dogs anyway.
Ahh thats a shame!
Wont be getting one anytime soon will build up my tanks first!
Our cat goes crazy for the tank already and there's only one fishy in there!
Will let u guys know todays results later :)
Right guys what do you think?

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PH - 7.6
Ammonia - between 0 and 0.25?
Nitrite - between 0.25 and 0.50?
Nitrate - between 10 and 20?

Shall i do another 50%?
Yes your nitrite and nitrates are still to high you shouldn't have a red tint to nitrates and the nitrites look a little high also keep up the good work you getting close. Seems to me your nitrates are really high for doing so many water changes. Are you possibly over stocked
Just the one platy in there. Feeding a small amount every other day...

I was doing 25% every few days until the nitrites shot up, then I was told to do 25% daily, then people on AA told me to do 50% ...

To be fair since i have been doing the 50's he's become a lot more active and isnt just hiding all the time now he's always out and about :) would you say my cycle is on track?
Yes I would say your well into the cycle process. That crazy it been that your numbers are so high since it's only a fish in there you would think it would be minimal levels. Very interesting. I'm having to cycle my big tank right now and it's a pain in the but doing 50-75% wc daily on a 180 gallon sucks lol
I can imagine! Haha theres a juwel 260 on sale near me for just £140... So tempted to get it! My fiancé would kill me though as i'm saving for the wedding haha worked out what i'd put in there already too :(

Glad that i'm on the right track :) cant wait to be up and running now my tank is all i talk about think i'm driving her crazy lol

Will do another test this-evening and let you guys know how its going
Looks like they have gone down again :) what do you rekon?

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I would say:
PH- 7.6
Ammonia - between 0 and 0.25 (possibly even zero?)
Nitrite - 0.25
Nitrate - between 5 and 10
Looking good still need those nitrite lower though. Keep up them water changes and your about there I would say anytime it should complete the cycle
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