Getting a betta

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 8, 2017
Can a betta live in a 20 gallon planted aquarium with 2 apple snail, 3 female Swordtail, 5 albino Cory and 6 red eye tetras?
It depends on the personality of the betta as aggression levels can vary. Our betta lives happily in a 15 gallon community tank with no problems.

A good way to test aggression is to see how they react to neighbouring bettas in the LFS or test their reaction to their own reflection.

Having said this, there's never a guarantee of a docile betta, so make sure that you have a back up option ready!
Hmmmm...even if I get a calm betta, will my red eye tetras be a threat for him?
Tetras can be nippy. I don't have experience with red eyes but my betta is in with cardinals, five banded barbs, ottos, two mollies and a guppy.

There was an initial 'settling in' period where the tetra did nip his fins but they lost interest after a few days. That was 3 months ago and I've had no problems since.
Make sure the betta goes in last so that it's not "his" territory he needs to defend and have a back up aquarium just in case. I have 5 bettas and 4 of them have tank Mates of snails neon tetras guppies glass catfish the one that can't just has a 5gal because he will kill anything in sight.
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