Quick Snail Question For The Gurus

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 12, 2021
Florida, USA
Hi there!

I'm new to the site and I'm hoping someone on here may know the answer to my snail query. I have two mature mystery snails who're no longer quite a "mystery." I definitely know now that I have both a male AND a female. Suffice it to say, I now am the proud owner of a bunch of baby mystery snails. ?

My question is this:
How long before these babies reach sexual maturity? I want to separate the boys from the girls into different tanks before I have an unsustainable "baby boom" population on my hands. I've been unable to find any information on the age range when they can start mating as of yet. Anyone know? Any information would be most helpful. Thanks!

P.S. The ones I have now are so adorable! I'm having a great time watching them grow. <3
That sounds very fun. They ARE adorable!

I think they could reproduce after the size of a nickle to quarter. Not sure how old that is and maybe better info link below...

Under "Care" you can scroll down and see the details with reproduction. And pictures of male and female ID.
That sounds very fun. They ARE adorable!

I think they could reproduce after the size of a nickle to quarter. Not sure how old that is and maybe better info link below...

Under "Care" you can scroll down and see the details with reproduction. And pictures of male and female ID.

Hi Autumn -

Oh wow, ok good to know!! Thanks so much for the valuable info. They have been growing like crazy since they hatched, and they look like perfect miniatures of their mom now. I have an unknown number of cute golden mystery snails babies running the tank. Guess I should do a head count at next water change and cleaning. They sure are prolific little poopers!

And the poor mom keeps giving them piggy back rides whether she wants to or not. At times there's 4 or five on her at a time. Sometimes I swear she's looking at me through the glass with an expression of "What have I done?!?" ?
The little ones are searching for all the food they can find to grow big and strong!

You will likely loose some little ones, but you will probably have a large group still!!! They are really cute.
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