Starting 29 gallon reef tank

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I started my first tank out with tap. I had an algae bloom (hairline) before my cycle completed. It was a long hard battle getting rid of it.
Mrc8858 said:
Yes but you will be dealing with algae issues so the sooner the better

Okay. Sorry if I don't seem to worried about algea. My tank has absolutely none. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it will and it'll be a problem but sense I don't see it isnt clicking the true problem I will have.
So I'm looking at about 140$ for a decent one? That sound right to everyone?
Ya are you looking at the 4 stage economy Ro/Di.. you'd be best off waiting on a group buy to get an additional 15% off
Carey hosts them most of the time but others do too on occasion but bulkreefsupply will allow people to get a group buy started where everyone included gets a discount on most things on the site.. all you need to do is to give a host your name and email and when the buy starts your status will be changed to group buy and once it ends you continue to get the bulk purchase discount even when you purchase one item since you'll be a prefered member at that point just for being in the group buy and its by no means an obligation to purchase anything at all
Mrc8858 said:
Carey hosts them most of the time but others do too on occasion but bulkreefsupply will allow people to get a group buy started where everyone included gets a discount on most things on the site.. all you need to do is to give a host your name and email and when the buy starts your status will be changed to group buy and once it ends you continue to get the bulk purchase discount even when you purchase one item since you'll be a prefered member at that point just for being in the group buy and its by no means an obligation to purchase anything at all

Okay. So hold off on gettin any more equipment till someone does a group buy?
What's a good CUC to start with? I would like things that interesting to watch, I probably won't have anything but a clean up crew in my tank for a few weeks.
Go to and browse there they offer a wide selection of inverts.. they aren't the best site to order from but i personally haven't had any issues with them other then on a gorgonia
Okay. About how big of a CUC? How many snails, hermits, crabs, shrimp ect? Can I have starfish or anything?
You can have a starfish but you'll have to give your tank time to develop.. id say 6 months minimum but for the rest of the crew I wouldn't do more then 10 or so hermits 10-15 snails and a few shrimp.. browse around and figure out your favorite inverts, make a list, and post it on here and well help you refine it or add to it if you've missed anything
But just FYI you don't NEED a cuc its more for your pleasure then the tank
In my 29 I have

1- turbo snail
2-zebra snails
1-emerald crab
The nassarius are carnivores though I mostly got them cause they are really neat and they burrow in the sand. Don't get a CUC to big most places will try to sell you way to much! Remember they may clean but they poop to which adds to the bad nutrients you don't want.
Okay. I'll go make a list and post it. I know it's not 100% needed but don't they help keep your tank clean? And I like watching them. :) Plus it's a cheaper way to finally get some entertainment in my empty tank :)
So my ammonia is at 0. My trites are at 0. And my trates are at 40. Time for water changes and clean up crew? Do I need to do water changes before adding the clean up crew? Also my list I was thinking is 4 turbo 5 nassarius a blue legged hermit and an emerald crab. I wanna get a shrimp but I heard they're not as hardy.
Wc then livestock. Cuc sounds good keep in mind turbos are lil bulldozers though and will knock loose stuff over and the shrimp arent as delicate as you may think and honestly imo make a good early warning sign for troubles in your tank.. shrimp will almost always be the first to go
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