The Sixty Gallon Build :)

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George9 said:
Yep! I'll order them tomorrow! Should have gotten them in the first place, but thats okay. According to the chart everyone uses here, I should be high light anyway.

The bulbs could play a huge part actually. Which Geissman bulbs are you looking at?

Sorry again for not catching that before.
skywhitney said:
The bulbs could play a huge part actually. Which Geissman bulbs are you looking at?

Sorry again for not catching that before.

Lol don't be sorry!

I was going to do a daylight and an aquaflora.

Edit- and did my last pm actually arrive? I sent it from the computer and it was just loading and loading, then it stopped and nothing happened. Sorry if it didn't arrive and you've been wording why the heck did I not reply lol!
George9 said:
Lol don't be sorry!

I was going to do a daylight and an aquaflora.

Edit- and did my last pm actually arrive? I sent it from the computer and it was just loading and loading, then it stopped and nothing happened. Sorry if it didn't arrive and you've been wording why the heck did I not reply lol!

Lol it did arrive, i just haven't responded :-s

I think a midday and an aquaflora would be a great combo. As of today im running two of each so it'll be interesting to see the differences between a 4 bulb and a 2 bulb setup!
Lol it did arrive, i just haven't responded :-s

I think a midday and an aquaflora would be a great combo. As of today im running two of each so it'll be interesting to see the differences between a 4 bulb and a 2 bulb setup!

I'm interested to see too! They're kinda expensive. I'm about to place the order now, $50 bucks lol. But its worth it, I hope :D
George9 said:
I'm interested to see too! They're kinda expensive. I'm about to place the order now, $50 bucks lol. But its worth it, I hope :D

Yeah they are but i think they will be a good investment :)
skywhitney said:
Yeah they are but i think they will be a good investment :)

Ordered :) should be here Thursday. I also got a filter sock for the ferts and some freeze dried bloodworms. Only because the cost of the order would be the same with or without them, so why not try? Ill probably feed them like once every month and not feed very much. I don't want anyone to bloat :p
George9 said:
Ordered :) should be here Thursday. I also got a filter sock for the ferts and some freeze dried bloodworms. Only because the cost of the order would be the same with or without them, so why not try? Ill probably feed them like once every month and not feed very much. I don't want anyone to bloat :p

Nice, sounds like your on your way to so much plant growth you won't know what to do! ;-)

I feed frozen bloodworms 2-3 times a week so once a month will be a really great treat or them!
Do you know of any similar plants to the rotala indica (probably ot indica, not sure exactly what it is lol) that I can plant along the back once the rotala is gone? It keeps dying lol! and its slowly thinning. So I need a plant that I have enough light for, and is like a busy bunch plant.
Hmm okay. I'm just gonna use some pantyhose then until I can get to petsmart and get a filter sock thing. thanks :)
You can also just dump the ferts straight in, that's what I do.

And people don't usually double bag breather bags because they lose a lot of their breathing ability. I don't breather bags either because they tend to leak.
You can also just dump the ferts straight in, that's what I do.

And people don't usually double bag breather bags because they lose a lot of their breathing ability. I don't breather bags either because they tend to leak.
I tried dosing directly into the tank a while back, but I didn't like it because it went all over and the fish tried to eat it, which I didnt like either. I know its probably harmless, but still. This way, it dissolves in the bag, without the mess lol

Makes sense, he probably did not rubber band it tight enough and it leaked.
George9 said:
Do you know of any similar plants to the rotala indica (probably ot indica, not sure exactly what it is lol) that I can plant along the back once the rotala is gone? It keeps dying lol! and its slowly thinning. So I need a plant that I have enough light for, and is like a busy bunch plant.

Hmm you could try diandra or water sprite...can't think of much off the top of my head but I'll look around for ideas.
skywhitney said:
Hmm you could try diandra or water sprite...can't think of much off the top of my head but I'll look around for ideas.

Is diandra really high light? Ya think I could pull it off? I really like it, but have to research it more.
George9 said:
Is diandra really high light? Ya think I could pull it off? I really like it, but have to research it more.

I dont know what to think about diandra lol. Its supposed to be high light and tough to grow but its grown really easy for me even when i had completely wrong lighting. Its hard to say cause it can be different for every tank, take the rotala for example.
skywhitney said:
I dont know what to think about diandra lol. Its supposed to be high light and tough to grow but its grown really easy for me even when i had completely wrong lighting. Its hard to say cause it can be different for every tank, take the rotala for example.

Haha yeah it's like a weed in your tank!

I think I'll take a gamble, I hope there's enough light that gets to the bottom, but we'll see. I don't know if my lfs has it, never seen it there before. I should find a place online
George9 said:
Haha yeah it's like a weed in your tank!

I think I'll take a gamble, I hope there's enough light that gets to the bottom, but we'll see. I don't know if my lfs has it, never seen it there before. I should find a place online

Or wait for my stock to replenish a little... I'm finally starting to see some growth from it again since i trimmed it.
skywhitney said:
Or wait for my stock to replenish a little... I'm finally starting to see some growth from it again since i trimmed it.

Sure lol! I'd rather get some from you then petsolutions. The picture looked horrible, it's all brown haha

I hope I have good luck with it :) cabomba seems to be the weed in my tank. Trimmings from two days ago are already growing in :)
George9 said:
Sure lol! I'd rather get some from you then petsolutions. The picture looked horrible, it's all brown haha

I hope I have good luck with it :) cabomba seems to be the weed in my tank. Trimmings from two days ago are already growing in :)

Thats awesome. The new bulbs should help with your plants as well!

I tried Hornwort (similar to cabomba i think) and it litterally looked like an explosion when i put it in. Imagine someone turning a pine tree upside down and shaking all the neddles into your tank....thats why i hate those type of plants right now lol
skywhitney said:
Thats awesome. The new bulbs should help with your plants as well!

I tried Hornwort (similar to cabomba i think) and it litterally looked like an explosion when i put it in. Imagine someone turning a pine tree upside down and shaking all the neddles into your tank....thats why i hate those type of plants right now lol

Oh my gosh! I feel like the only one who has never had that happen. I've grown cabomba in all my tanks any never had needles all over. Lol that's why a lot of people hate needle plants haha
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