Wigglers 2: Birth of a hatchery & everything Angels

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I don't have a job, I'm working on my degree so I can get one! Or rather, so I can hopefully turn my hobby into a job ;)
I don't have a job, I'm working on my degree so I can get one! Or rather, so I can hopefully turn my hobby into a job ;)
School rules , it pays off in the long run. I wish I had know this earlier in life , I had too many passions and couldn't decide on what to study, but I worked in many fields, mainly industry, but it taught me things in the real world too. I'm just a late bloomer, and I'm not done yet !!![emoji38]

Smart guy...[emoji38]
You can't beat working at home and what you love ,eh Andy!!!



School rules , it pays off in the long run. I wish I had know this earlier in life , I had too many passions and couldn't decide on what to study, but I worked in many fields, mainly industry, but it taught me things in the real world too. I'm just a late bloomer, and I'm not done yet !!![emoji38]


I was told, a long time ago, schooling is what we all have to do in order to survive and thrive. It doesn't matter if you go to a recognized school or the school of hard knocks, you are going to school. I chose the second. :blink: I knew where I wanted to be just not what I wanted to be so I tried it all before settling for where I am. Best lesson I ever learned as I never feel the grass is greener somewhere else. (y)
As one of my Mentors tell us: "Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you." I couldn't agree more. I'm living a great life now. (y)
Im school of hard knocks, baby. Me n school always disagreed. Im too hyper to sit in class.

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I was told, a long time ago, schooling is what we all have to do in order to survive and thrive. It doesn't matter if you go to a recognized school or the school of hard knocks, you are going to school. I chose the second. :blink: I knew where I wanted to be just not what I wanted to be so I tried it all before settling for where I am. Best lesson I ever learned as I never feel the grass is greener somewhere else. (y)
As one of my Mentors tell us: "Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you." I couldn't agree more. I'm living a great life now. (y)
Cool man[emoji106] [emoji106]
Real experience , hard Knox says it all.

I feel like I should be insulted as "that guy with half a degree" ;) You can get "hard knox" AND a "real" degree ;)

Nothing to feel insulted about. You are just half way there. (y) But a scholastic degree doesn't make you an experienced expert. I can show you many people who can tell me what to do with the information I supply them but don't know how to get the information I am giving them. THAT is from experience. :brows: I just have a lot of that. :D:whistle:
Nothing to feel insulted about. You are just half way there. (y) But a scholastic degree doesn't make you an experienced expert. I can show you many people who can tell me what to do with the information I supply them but don't know how to get the information I am giving them. THAT is from experience. :brows: I just have a lot of that. :D:whistle:

Oh believe me I know that. There are people here in the aquaculture program who don't know a thing about aquaculture :whistle: In the biology of fishes lab course no less, a girl asked me what I was doing adding ammonia to a tank i was cycling for a project. She had no clue what the nitrogen cycle was :facepalm:

For your ammonia problem...Have you considered Angels Plus hatching kits?

I put the slate with eggs in a gallon jar inside a cycled ten gallon to keep the temperature stable. When they hatch I siphon them off the slate and bottom of the jar and put them into one of the hatching jars in the same ten gallon (usually with a batch of older fry in it). That way the babies are inside a cycled sponge filter with constant water flow from a cycled source. It should alleviate your ammonia problem. Certainly better than an expensive A/C replacement and WWWAAAAAYYY better than giving up on Angels

For your ammonia problem...Have you considered Angels Plus hatching kits?

I put the slate with eggs in a gallon jar inside a cycled ten gallon to keep the temperature stable. When they hatch I siphon them off the slate and bottom of the jar and put them into one of the hatching jars in the same ten gallon (usually with a batch of older fry in it). That way the babies are inside a cycled sponge filter with constant water flow from a cycled source. It should alleviate your ammonia problem. Certainly better than an expensive A/C replacement and WWWAAAAAYYY better than giving up on Angels

Thanks but my problem is the air not the water. Even if I get them into clean water, the air screws it up. That's what the tests were all about. But here's the thing, I had the a/c guy here and he surmised that since there is no ammonia in the a/c unit as a refrigerant and there is nothing dead in the unit AND the unit is still working properly both heating and cooling which rules out a leak after 6 months, it's not the a/c that is causing the ammonia. It is picking it up from the air intake ( which is inside the building) and blowing it out. I did another test with a fan in another part of the building to confirm and he may be right. Now, I am clearing out all non essential thin gs from the place and trying to air out the place so that I have a 0 ammonia reading then start adding things back slowly to see what it is. (Kinda like figuring out what bad electrical unit is tripping a breaker. :facepalm:) We have some other thoughts that are currently being tested as well so the hunt is not over yet. :banghead:

As for giving up, NAHHHH:nono: I don't do that. ;):lol: ( I do find alternatives tho.) Besides, I was down to my buddy's yesterday and picked up some more guppies ( pics to follow another time) and saw my Platinum and 1/2 Black Veil Angels that he is growing for me so I HAVE to figure this out cause I really like those fish. :D:lol: PLUS, I saw the long fin albino Plecos that I will start doing as well so the problem solving goes on. :blink: (y)
I have basically deleted anything structural in the building as the source of my ammonia issue and now have to consider things I have put into the building. Once I get an area on my porch cleared out, I will start moving things out of here and try to air out the building and see what happens. My friend has a hunch that I need to play out. I'm not sure if I want him to be right tho. :blink:

Meanwhile, I got 2 types of new Guppies ( Green Snakeskins/ Cobras and Red tails) which the lines have been around for about 10+ years. Once I can get some time, I'll post a vid on my Youtube channel. The dorsals on the Red males are beautiful and the patterns on the Cobras are really nice. I saw the fish's parents and they are HUGE!!! The females are still young so the full color hasn't been reached yet in the tails but after seeing the mother, I'm excited to see these grow up. Tomorrow, I am picking up another single male that I saw last week which has a beautiful light blue delta tail. I'm going to work that fish with some of the 3/4 Blacks to see if I can get some Blue tail Blacks. :D Hopefully that turns out nice. :whistle:

I just made a deal with the neighbor for some of their outdoor supplies so I will be getting four 5'-6' diameter pools to start working the fish outdoors in the spring. I can see now that the 75 gal vats just aren't deep enough to keep the fins nice on the larger Angels so the large fish will have to grow out in these deeper pools instead of inside. I'm not happy about it but what can you do? :blink: The vats however ARE perfect for the Tetras and Catfish to use so the switch will be made in the spring. I'll be adding LF Albino Plecos to the list as well. I saw them the other day and they are NICE!!! :D

I still have 1 Angel spawn currently in with the parents to see how they do. The tank had a larger water change the day the fish spawned ( before they spawned) so hopefully the nitrate level is low enough to not effect the fry. Both other spawns didn't make it but they both happened prior to the water change so we will see.

My F1 generation of 3 types of Angels are almost old enough to start spawning so I am looking forward to seeing what the Red Cap, 1/2 Black and Koi fish produce. If I get what I am looking for, the F0 parents will be up for sale. I need to start making more space in the 10s for pairs. I'm adding a few more tanks inside so that should relieve some of the space pressure. I made a couple of farm contacts so I should be able to move the smaller fish out faster as I won't be needing to grow out as many fish for future breeders and my buddy. That will free up about 9 tanks right there. (y) I'll also be putting another rack into a flow through system to relieve some of the work involved as well. I spend too much time cleaning tanks where it could be better served elsewhere. Once I get an assistant, I shouldn't be doing tanks at all. :brows::whistle::D

That's it for now. (y)

hopefully youll be ok we are all praying for it we love you and all you do for us here. ill continue to pray with all my heart that this gets worked out
Andy, is it odd that my angels are devouring guppy grass? They seem to be prefering it over prepared foods now.

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F0 and F1 wild types or are these created strains?

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Created strains. At the moment, I have no wild fish. Hopefully I will have some in the not too distant future. (y)

Andy, is it odd that my angels are devouring guppy grass? They seem to be prefering it over prepared foods now.

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That tells me that something is lacking in the foods you are feeding and that something is being found in the grass. Try adding more vegetable matter into your main diet for the fish and see if that stops the grass eating. (y) Another possibility is that the grass is hiding small food items such as bugs or shrimp fry or worms which is why they are choosing it over their regular diet. Get a good magnifying glass and check that out as well. (y)

Hope this helps (y)
And here I was thinking that I was feeding a good mix of live and quality prepared foods. I will definitely be investigating and tweaking, thanks Andy.

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And here I was thinking that I was feeding a good mix of live and quality prepared foods. I will definitely be investigating and tweaking, thanks Andy.

Sent from my LGLS770 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Don't get me wrong, you may have been. But even if you feed the best quality cat food to your dog, it's still not the right food. ;)
I've tried many different "quality" foods and some my fish eat and some they don't. You just can't force feed them to eat the good foods. :facepalm: Your situation I equate to dogs eating grass. They do that when they have upset stomachs. Did they get the upset from their food or was it something else they ate? You just don't always know. With fish, especially cichlids, they are mostly meat eaters but they also need to have some vegetation in their diets to keep the pipes flowing. This could be a short term thing for you. I can't tell you for how long:confused: So I suggest you see what exactly your fish are eating in the tank and which foods they gobble up vs foods they nibble on and see if the gobbled foods have too much protein. That could be clogging the pipes so they are doing a "natural" cleanse by eating the grass. Just a hunch. (y)
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