First Tank :)

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So, my partner went to get my Betta today while I was at work, they tested my water and my nitrate level was dangerously high! (I tested twice last week and it was fine?) now I have to do daily 25% water changes and nitrate tests for 4 weeks and then see how it is before getting another fishy :( absolutely gutted!! :(
Very true, I was told to test it at least once a week anyway. Hopefully it clears up sooner than 4 weeks! Might buy some live plants to help it too
Being nitrite it should be near the end of the cycle hopefully anyway. Water changes can take the fun outta having fish when you do them all the time. I just got through cycling a 180 gallon and it was a pain.
Well I don't mind doing it for my small tank its actually quite nice, but wow I can imagine for 125 gal it must be quite a chore!
Yah, she/he also could be lonely, when I separate my mom platys from the group to give birth they stop moving as much.
I thought that might be the case, poor little guy :( has to wait a while now for some company!
Usually when I get in from work he is having a swim about then when I turn the light on he disappears into the bushes for the majority of the rest of the evening :(
I don't think platys should even be in a 7 gallon tank. And gobies are not a good idea for a beginner.
Really? I have been told by quite a few people that platys should be ok for my 28l tank? (I have also read the same, all i seem to do these days is research! Addicted I think! Haha)

I done another nitrate test today and its now down to 0.6 so is no longer off the scale :) live plants should help right? Going to get some at the weekend. Hopefully not too long 'til I can get poor bubbles some company!
Live plants should help, I have kept a platy in a 10 gallon before. You shouldn't have a problem if you keep up on water changes.
So, tank has been running almost 3 weeks now, I have added a live plant and am still doing 25% water changes daily. Nitrates are still showing at around 0.4/0.5...
It does seem to be going down gradually but not very much :/

Platy is still quite inactive (comes out for a brief swim occasionally but then goes back to his bush) but he looks quite healthy.

Any tips on how to make the process run a bit more smoothly and quickly to get platy back to normal?

Thanks guys
Your platy is acting strange because it is suffering from ammonia or nitrite poisoning because your tank is not cycled. Running the tank for 3 days before adding fish does not cycle it.

I just want to remind everyone that this tank is 28 liters, not gallons. So it is about 7 gallons. A tank this small is really only good for nano fish or a single beta. I would not advise getting any more fish because platys like to be in groups and require at least a 10-15 gallon aquarium in my opinion. Some aquarists would say 20 because they have such a large bioload.

Regarding the plant- only fast growing plants like anacharis or hornwort will make much of a difference when cycling. An anubias or java fern will not do much because they grow and uptake nutrients very slowly.
Thanks for the pointers!

Just done todays test and here are the results:

Nitrate : 0.40
Nitrite : 1
Ammonia : 0.25

Just the nitrite that needs to come down now?

Also, just been told that doing 25% daily WC is not the best move as it is just a short term fix?

Really unsure what to do now should i keep changing or just wait and see what happens? Little bit confused as to what the next step should be!
You need to do 2 50% water changes per day until your amm and nitrites are below .25, or your fish could get sick. It will not significantly slow down your cycle, and your fish could die if you don't

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Will do a 50% tonight thanks! :) should i keep up the 25% daily after that or just see how it settles for the next few days?
Check your levels. If you're at .25, 25% would be fine. .5 or higher (amm and/or nitrites), you'll need to do 50%

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Have you tested your tap water? You want ammonia and nitrite to be at all times 0 ppm when you have fish in the tank, anything higher is damaging and stressful. You should aim for nitrates under 20.

I honestly wouldn't add any more fish to this tank, its too small. If it were my tank I would have either a single betta, or a group of endlers (would need a plan for fry!)
My water has been tested and it's good.
Nitrites last night were 0.6, i done 50% WC so fingers crossed its gone down again when i test it later!

This tank will eventually just be quarantine tank when i can afford to buy another! Cant wait :)
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