White spots on fins

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Ok! Thanks so much. I will do a daily water change and stop the meds.
usually poor water combined with stress..

I agree. A fish in captivity is already under stress, add on top of that poor water conditions, temperature and under or over feeding and you'll get a fish that is prone to disease.

Best we can do to keep our fish healthy are frequent water changes, the right temperature and a good diet.
I agree. A fish in captivity is already under stress, add on top of that poor water conditions, temperature and under or over feeding and you'll get a fish that is prone to disease. Best we can do to keep our fish healthy are frequent water changes, the right temperature and a good diet.
so I have been in this game for 5/6 months now, I have 3 tanks. 29,20,10.. I have a calendar on the wall, I keep scrupulous notes in all activity in all tanks, I find it paramount in maintaining these tanks. Not saying it's a must.. But water in a small tank can go bad quick, and finding a patten or even knowing can help immensely.. I've upped water changes in my 10 and 20 to every 5 days.. Tests don't lie;) best of luck !!
Thanks all for the feedback. I'm working on getting the temp up to about 88 per your advice. Tomorrow doing a 50% water change and will add some aquarium salt. Anything else?
I don't know about the pimafix, someone else will have to advise you on that. Remember only up the temperature if you think your fish actually have ich. If it's just fin rot a normal temperature will be fine (correct me if I'm wrong peeps!)
Can I just check if it was a black neon tetra that had the white spots? For the OP was this ich? As mentioned above you need to confirm this was ich (like little, hard white, salt grains). The reason is that increasing temperature will also speed up bacterial / fungal infections.

Ich will usually get a bit worse and spread to other fish as it cycles through faster on higher temps.

Did the fin on the betta get worse suddenly? How often are you doing water changes and by what amount? How long have you had the betta?

Is the pimafix making a difference? For fin rot I would discontinue the pimafix which is for low level fungal infections, QT and get a specific fin rot medicine.
I've had the betta for about a year now. He was my first fish:(. The ich was on the black neon tetra which that fish has since passed. I don't see ich on anyone else. The fin rot seems like it happened over night.
The betta passed away this morning. So sad! I loved that fish. I just finished doing a 50% water change so hopefully I won't lose any more fish.
Just did a test and these are the results.

PH 7.6
ammonia .25
Nitrite and Nitrate 0

Thanks for the info.

This seems a little strange. Ammonia at 0.25 is ok at ph roughly and may just be timing but nitrate is usually above 0 in a cycled tank. Is this a liquid or strip test?

The tank seems a little off from these results and also to have fin rot so I would be checking water specs and increasing pwc's. Between 25 to 50% per week normally but I'd increase pwc's (as suggested above).

The betta I would separate if you can into a QT with some seeded filter material for treatment. Run at normal temps to slow down infection. Hopefully it doesn't have ich. It may be increasing the temp or stress or new fish has just triggered it. It looked like the tail base was affected as well, almost into the body? For minor cases pwc's should do trick, severe cases onto body I'd get some meds.

The main tank I think you have increased temp so would run that at 86-88 to get rid of ich. Hopefully only that new fish had it and tank is clean. 10 days is suggested. Shortest I have done is 5 days at 86 (plus meds) after last sign of ich.
I did a 50% water change this morning. Just tested water now and these are my readings:
Ammonia 0.25
PH 6.5
Nitrite and Nitrate 0
And most of the fish are spending most time up at top of tank ??
Did the anti fungal kill off the good bacteria and now would need to recycle?
Did the anti fungal kill off the good bacteria and now would need to recycle?

Good question. I had a look at the bottle and there is no mention of this. When I've used it, I haven't noticed anything however I haven't tested day by day. Were you getting mainly the same readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate before you started the pimafix? I wasn't sure of timing.

Is your tank temp still up? If so and fish are hanging around surface, I'd increase aeration. Diluting out the pimafix will help as well.
I did a 50% water change this morning. Just tested water now and these are my readings:
Ammonia 0.25
PH 6.5
Nitrite and Nitrate 0

Have you tested tap water after letting stand for 24hrs? It would be handy to know the base line for ph.

Also strips can under read I've found so depends on if you are using strips or liquid test. If a liquid test for nitrate you have to follow the instructions to the letter for shaking.
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